Affordable Biking…

Mountain biking can be as cheap or as expensive as you like. Bikes range from £100 to £10k. I wouldn’t recommend buying a really cheap bike as it makes the whole experience a lot harder.

Look for a bike with full suspension. Without this you will really struggle especially with the downhill stuff! Depending on what type of mountain biking you’re doing you need to select the correct; frame, wheels etc… There is no point paying houndreds on a frame you dont need.

Buying online can be fantastic and there is some steals to be had but, and there is a but – if it looks too good to be true then it is! Buying online you should also try buy local. This way you can go see the product before money is exchanged! IF you have to pay for something online, always use Paypal! This way you are protected.

Once you have your bike, you need to ride it, obviously! Again this can be as cheap as you want to make it! Lots of forests offer class downhill runs that are untouched by most! However, for a fiver you can go to loads of runs across the UK. Well worth it considering the guaranteed fun! You can of course, as I have, just set off from home and find your way back again, hopefully…

Best Places to go in the UK :

Ullswater, Lake District.


Quantocks, Somerset


Snowden Ranger Path, Wales


Always remember, its all about having a laugh.


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